Wart Removal Treatment

Warts are small undesirable growth appear on the skin that normally does not cause any pain. These skin growths are caused by the virus of the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. Warts might spread on the skin and you might want them to get rid of as soon as possible. The appearance of warts differs depending on the type which has to undergo laser wart removal treatment.

Mole Removal Treatment

Medically termed as ‘nevi’, skin moles are round or oven in shape and usually appears as dark spots in varying sizes. These spots have more pigment-producing cells than the other areas. They can grow randomly on any part of the body, including the face.

Nowadays, people pay much attention to these moles appearing on their skin and consider them as a major beauty concern. Though moles are harmless, many people consider them as an undesired skin irregularity. The structural changes in a skin mole need an immediate medical attention. Hence, the mole removal treatment has become very common.

What causes moles?
A mole is developed on the skin when a group of cells called melanocytes grow in a cluster and produce melanin, a naturally occurring pigment providing skin colour. The sun exposure or the pregnancy may darken the moles.

Nevus Removal Treatment

You may want to have it removed by your doctor because of cosmetic concerns over face area and to prevent irritation while shaving if moles are located over beard area. Mole removal Surgery takes only a short time and done on outpatient basis.

Punch Excision : In this method doctor marks the area around the mole and cuts the mole with a sharp punch device and closes wound with sutures.

Laser Treatment : CO2 Laser device is used to cut the moles. Laser Treatment is one of the best methods for Mole

Verrucae Removal Treatment

Warts are small growths that are caused on the skin due to a virus from the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. These non cancerous growths are caused when the virus triggers extra skin cell growth which makes the skin in that area hard and thick.

The virus does not affect everyone who comes in contact with it. People suffering with skin conditions like eczema or who have skin injury are particularly susceptible to the virus. Kids and teens are also at a higher risk of developing warts as their immune system is not equipped to fight the virus like that of adults.

Warts are also highly contagious. So a direct skin contact or using objects like razors or towels of a person suffering from the skin ailment may lead to contracting the disease yourself.

Annoying Warts Removal Treatment

Warts are very common growth caused by the human papilloma virus and almost 1 in 20 persons will get a wart some time in his or her life. Warts can occur anywhere, but are most common on the hands, feet, face and genitals. Genital warts are sexually transmitted.

Warts are seen as dry rough 0.5 to 2 cm firm growths that are painless, even when touched or manipulated. They are generally seen as domed or flat-topped growths. When they occur on the genitals, they appear fleshy and pink.

The reason why dermatologists choose to treat warts is because, for the duration for which they do last, they can spread to other parts of one’s own body, be a source of infection to others, cause pain if at a pressure site or embarrassment if located in an exposed area. Depending on the location and type of warts, the treatment options include application of a wart medication at home over a 16 to 20 week period, freezing with liquid nitrogen, electrical cautery or one of a variety of lasers.

Facespots Removal Treatment

The pigmentation variations on facial skin are normal. There are several reasons why one gets a loss of pigmentation or white spots on the face. The common causes are sun allergy, fungal infections, and cosmetic reactions.

More severe diseases that cause pigmentation loss include vitiligo, skin malignancy of low grade, and autoimmune skin diseases. This is a condition of an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the healthy cells that produce melanin/skin pigment and, in effect, begins to impair the capacity of the melanin-producing cells to function, resulting in the light-colored and sometimes milky white pigmentation on the skin.

How To Treat White Spots From The Face:
There are various misconceptions related to skin issues of this kind, one such is that it is communicable. These skin conditions are not contagious or infectious and thus they can not spread from one person to another. They can be handled with a diagnosis where a small bit (3 mm) of the skin is examined by the dermatologist and a recorded diagnosis arrives. Additionally, proper prescription and routine inspections will control the spread of the pigmentation.