Chemical Peel Treatments

A chemical peel is a technique which involves application of an acid solution in order to improve the properties of the skin on the face, neck or hands mainly. The chemical solution thus applied to the skin causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off giving way to the generation of fresh skin.

The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the older one because it has come up as a result of the regenerative mode the tissues had got into.

Alpha Hydroxy acids (AHA), Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) or phenol are the most commonly applied chemicals for the chemical peeling procedure.

Fruit Peel Treatments

Fruit acid peels cause the dead skin to peel off and it improves the texture of the skin using a solution. The new and regenerated skin is smoother, brighter looking and uniform in appearance.


  • Acne
  • Acne scars
  • Fine lines
  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Under eye
  • Enlarged pores
  • Freckles
  • Sun spots
  • Rough patches
  • Dry and scaly skin

Acne Pimples Treatments

Before we start delving into what causes acne or how it can be prevented, it is important to know what acne is in the first place. Knowing acne growth stage and type will help you determine the best treatment your acne would need.

Acne is one of the most common skin condition in the country which is actually a disease of the sebaceous or oil producing glands of the face, chest and back. Majorly affecting teenagers during puberty, some people tend to have acne after their thirties and until fifties. Teenage acne is the more common one and is majorly accounted to skin cleanliness, skin whitening and bacteria, the latter i.e. adult acne can have certain medical conditions like hypo-thyroid, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) or excess Testosterone generation at its root cause.

Ice Picks Scars & Boxcar Scars Treatment

What happens when you get affected by a pimple? Your skin gets swollen and infected and at that time nodules along with cysts can develop and break. When the acne is severe and deep enough, the facial tissue can be injured. It causes damage to the tissues and cells of the skin. A functional tissue will reinstate the damaged component. These tissues become the acne scars.

An acne scar, just like any scar, is the unpleasant consequence of a healed wound, or in this case, acne. Depending on the sternness of your acne, the scars can be quite not easy to remove. Luckily, there are several procedures you can choose from for removing acne scars.

These Keloids usually starts growing like a claw growing to be larger than the injury itself. The common parts of the body they normally affect are the chest, shoulders, earlobes and upper back but they can also affect any part of the body.

Hypertrophic Scars

A skin injury makes our body go into its repair mode and it forms a scar tissue over the injury. This scar tissue, made of a fibrous tissue, provides protection to this wound, allowing it to heal.

However, in some cases, the body might produce this scar tissue excessively. This excess scar tissue, which is basically collagen, can lead to smooth, hard growths called Keloids. They usually are not harmful to the patient’s health. But the patient might feel uncomfortable due to the aesthetic or cosmetic problems that it causes.

These Keloids usually starts growing like a claw growing to be larger than the injury itself. The common parts of the body they normally affect are the chest, shoulders, earlobes and upper back but they can also affect any part of the body.

Rolling Scars treatment

Acne scars is one of the commonest complaints these days. Acne scars not only make the skin look different but sometimes can be embarrassing for the patient. The only complication of acne is acne scarring. Most of the scars are found on the surface of skin but are actually sub dermal in origin. Acne scar requires a holistic approach and may involve multiple modalities. Dr. jyothi examines your skin Scar and advises acne scar treatment according to skin type and best suited to your skin type. Most of the patients seeking acne scar treatment in Hyderabad have many questions which Dr. jyothi has answered here.

Derma Roller Treatment

It is a skincare/cosmetic device used to help rejuvenate the skin, stimulate hair growth, treat acne scarring, and reduce signs of aging. It can fill in fine lines and wrinkles, reduce under-eye bags and dark circles, improve skin texture, reduce the size of pores, and fade blemishes and marks. The dermaroller was introduced in the mid-90s, however, it got traction within the last few years as it is an accessible, effective, and relatively non-invasive skin treatment. Over a short period of time, it has gained mass popularity and acceptance as it is a simple, cheap, safe, and effective technique requiring minimal training.

It also can be used for intradermal delivery of drugs and vaccines. Studies suggest that 90% of the serum gets absorbed into the skin during dermarolling. The dermaroller dilates the infundibulum and hence that serves as an additional route of penetration of the drugs and cosmeceuticals.

Fillers Treatment

When injected Fillers restore the youthfull contours of your face in three dimensions. They enhance volume, augment lips and it is also the best Wrinkle Filler Treatment. Eg: Restylane Lyft, Juvederm, Belotero etc. The active ingredient in each of these products is Hyaluronic acid which coats collagen and acts as a cushion to skin.

What are the risks and side effects Dermal Fillers ?

  • Bruising and Swelling.
  • Downtime around in 2days but can stretch up to 2 weeks.
  • Bumpiness/ lumpiness.
  • Swelling.

Sun Tan Treatment

Sun Tan Treatment is the mostly preferred treatment among all. Every one wants their skin to be fair and smooth. Using creams and facials wont work effectively. Many non surgical procedures came in to existence for Sun Tan skin whitening Treatment .

Skin Whitening Treatment in Hyderabad has become popular for reducing dark spots, age spots and skin glowing.

A Club Medical Hair & Skin Clinic  provides the Best Skin Whitening Treatment in hyderabad. At A Club Medical Hair & Skin Clinic , we focus on non surgical laser technology to lighten the skin shade and rejuvenate the skin.

Colour Improvement Treatment

skin whitening is a procedure that involves emitting direct beams of pulsed light energy on the dark spots, age spots, and suntan to help remove the damaged layer of skin and to stimulate new skin production on the spot. The laser beams are emitted at different wavelengths to create heat at the targeted spot and to remove and destruct the age spots. We provide non-ablative laser treatments to remove for dark spots from deep skin layers without damaging the top layers of the skin. Age spots are a brown pigmented spot that appears on the exposed parts of the body including the face, arms, and leg.

Pigmentation Treatment

It is an acquired patchy tan brown discoloration seen on face and common among women in reproductive years. Can be seldom seen in males. They appear on forehead, cheeks, upper lip, forehead usually between 20-50 years

Triggering Factors are:

  • Daily or intermittent sun exposure.
  • Hormonal birth control pills, hormonal changes during pregnancy.
  • Family History.
  • Drugs ( Anti seizure medication).

Stretch Marks Treatment

Striae, or stretch marks, may occur if you put on weight rapidly, experience a growth spurt, or have a disorder such as Cushing’s syndrome, diabetes or Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. Long-term steroid use, especially topical steroids, may also cause striae. These can weaken the skin and cause it to be more susceptible to injury. Pregnancy is a big cause of stretch marks. According to the University of Michigan Department of Dermatology, more than 50 percent of women will experience some level of stretch mark development.

Microdermabrasion Treatment

Microdermabrasion refers to a non-invasive and non-chemical procedure,which sprays micro-crystals that will be successful in removing one outermost layer of your skin which contains dead cells and dry skin. This will make you look healthy and youthful, almost instantly. Meanwhile, the treatment stimulates the production of elastin and collagen in the new layer of skin that will form.

This will improve the appearance of your skin in a better manner. It is much safer when compared to dermabrasion and much more effective too.